Pierre Tarrès

Marches aléatoires renforcées


Vertex (resp. Edge) Reinforced Random Walks (VRRW, resp ERRW), introduced in 1986 by Coppersmith and Diaconis, are nearest-neighbour walks on a discrete graph such that, at each time step, the probability to visit an adjacent vertex is proportional to a function - called the weight function - of the number of visits to this vertex (resp. to the corresponding edge).
After a brief introduction to these self-interacting processes, we focus in this minicourse on their localization properties under certain assumptions, which leads them to asymptotically only visit a finite connected set infinitely often.
We start by a short alternative proof of the result of Pemantle of Volkov (1999) that, on the integers, linearly VRRWs (i.e. VRRW with linear weight function) only visit finitely many vertices a.s. and that they localize on five vertices with positive probability. The technique enables us to describe the asymptotic occupation of the walk conditionally on a localization on five particular consecutive vertices, a result initially obtained by Bienvenue in 1999 by the use of the Rubin construction.
Next we introduce this Rubin construction of a continuous-time version of ERRWs by the use of exponentially distributed random times, and its natural adaptation to VRRWs by Bienvenue in 1999. We explain how it enables to show localization of strongly-reinforced random walks (i.e. with reciprocally summable weight function) on certain graphs.
Although the linearly VRRW obviously does not satisfy the reciprocal summability assumption, we show how an alternative Rubin construction enables us to give a relatively short proof of the conjecture of Pemantle and Volkov that the walk on the integers a.s. localizes on five vertices, which we initially showed in 2004.
If time allows, we will then give the sketch of the proof of a joint result with Benaim (2008), which generalizes a theorem of Volkov (2001) and shows that, on arbitrary graphs, the linearly VRRW localizes with positive probability on subsets which consist of a complete $d$-partite subgraph and its outer boundary, for some $d\ge1$. Our technique is based on a thorough description of the dynamics by an associated linear replicator differential equation, originally introduced by Pemantle (1992) and Benaim (1997).

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