2022-2023: Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Numerical analysis course
Third year engineering students
Université Paul Sabatier (UT3)
Interdisciplinary course: Modeling and tissue development
First year Masters Biology students
Lecture on mathematical modeling of cell and tissue dynamics within the course "Dynamics of cell organization"
First year of Master's in Biology
Speed meeting
Academic orientation for students in the third year of Bachelor and in the first and second year of Master's degree, presentation of the interdisciplinary work within the Bénazéraf team
Analysis course (lecture and exercices)
First year bachelor students in Mathematics
Mathematics course (exercices)
First year bachelor students in Biology
2024: Institut Camille Jordan & INRIA (Lyon) - Team DRACULA
Internship co-supervisor (with Thomas Lepoutre - INRIA)
Student: Simon Minyem Mi Ngui, third year of Bachelor at ENS Lyon
Subject: Development and study of a mathematical model for tumor cell migration considering heterogeneous response to stress factors
2022: Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT)
Internship co-supervisor (with Ariane Trescases - IMT)
Student: Gabrielle Roullet, first year of Masters in Computational and Mathematical Biology, Aix-Marseille University.
Subject: Analysis and quantification of cellular heterogeneity in a stem cell population in the vertebrate embryo (duration: 7 weeks)
2021: Centre de Biologie Intégrative (UT3)
Internship supervisor
Student: Tuong Bao Han Phan, third year of Bachelor
BIOMIP (Biology, Mathematics, Informatics, Physics) at Université Paul Sabatier (UT3)
Subject: Sensitivity analysis of a stochastic model linking cell migration, proliferation and protein concentration of a stem cell population in the vertebrate embryo (duration: 6 weeks)
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