Institut Camille Jordan
Benjamin Druart

My researches are on model theory and group theory.

More precisely, the subject of my thesis is definable groups in p-adic fields.


  • B. Druart, Definable subgroups in SL_2 over a p-adically closed field, 2015, version.pdf
  • B. Druart, Cartan Subgroups and Generosity in SL_2(Qp), 2013, version.pdf

Various notes

  • Poster on linear groups definable in P-minimal structures, Conference "Model Theory, Difference/Differential Equations and Applications", Marseille 2015, version.pdf
  • Presenation A Survey of Cartan subgroups in Model Theory,British PostGraduate Model Theory Conference, Leeds, 2014, version.pdf
  • Presentation (in french) Introduction à la logique et théorème de Gödel, séminaire des doctorants, Grenoble, 2012, version. pdf
  • Master thesis (in french), Groupes définissables dans R, dans Qp ou dans les corps pseudo-finis, version.pdf

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