
2024J.-C. Latché, B. Piar, K. Saleh. A discrete kinetic energy preserving convection operator for variable density flows on locally refined staggered meshes. Preprint. PDF
2023C. Berthon, M.J. Castro Diaz, A. Duran, T.M. De Luna, K. Saleh. Artificial viscosity to get both robusteness and discrete entropy inequalities. J. Sci. Comput., 97.65, 2023. PDF
2022C. Perrin, K. Saleh. Numerical staggered schemes for the free-congested Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60 (4), pp 1824-1852, 2022. PDF
2021R. Herbin, J.-C. Latché, K. Saleh. Low Mach number limit of some staggered schemes for compressible barotropic flows. Mathematics of Computation, 90 (329) pp 1039-1087, 2021.PDF
C. Perrin, K. Saleh. A convergent FV-FE scheme for the stationnary compressible Navier-Stokes equations (Long version). IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 41(2) pp 826–899, 2021.PDF
2019K. Saleh. A relaxation scheme for a hyperbolic multiphase flow model. Part I: barotropic eos. ESAIM: Math. Model. and Numer. Analysis (M2AN), 53(5) pp 1763 - 1795, 2019.PDF
C. Berthon, A. Duran, F. Foucher, K. Saleh, J.-D.-D. Zabsonré. Improvement of the hydrostatic reconstruction scheme to get fully discrete entropy inequalities. Journal of Scientific Computing, 80(2) pp 924-956, 2019.PDF
2018 J.-C. Latché, K. Saleh. A convergent staggered scheme for the variable density incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Mathematics of Computation, 87(310) pp 581-632, 2018.PDF
2017F. Coquel, J.-M. Hérard et K. Saleh. A Positive and Entropy-Satisfying Finite Volume Scheme for the Baer-Nunziato Model. Journal of Compuational Physics (JCP), 330 pp 401-435, 2017. PDF
2014F. Coquel, K. Saleh, N. Seguin. A Robust and Entropy-Satisfying Numerical Scheme for Fluid Flows in Discontinuous Nozzles. Math. Models. and Meth. in App. Sci. (M3AS), 24(10) pp 2043-2083, 2014. PDF
F. Coquel, J.-M. Hérard, K. Saleh, N. Seguin. Two properties of two-velocity two-pressure models for two-phase flows. Comm. in Math. Sci. (CMS), 12(3) pp 593-600, 2014.PDF
2013F. Coquel, J.-M. Hérard, K. Saleh, N. Seguin. A robust entropy-satisfying finite volume scheme for the isentropic Baer-Nunziato model. ESAIM: Math. Model. and Numer. Analysis (M2AN), 48 pp 165-206, 2013.PDF
2012F. Coquel, J.-M. Hérard et K. Saleh. A splitting method for the isentropic Baer-Nunziato two-phase flow model. ESAIM: Proc, 38 pp 241-256, 2012.PDF
A-C. Boulanger, C. Cances, H. Mathis, K. Saleh et N. Seguin.OSAMOAL: Optimized Simulations by Adapted MOdels using Asymptotic Limits. ESAIM: Proc, 38 pp 183-201, 2012.PDF

Actes de congrès

2023J. Bussac, K. Saleh. Numerical Simulation of a Barotropic Two-Phase Flow Model with Miscible Phases. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X-Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems, 2023.PDF
A. El Halabi, P. Fernier, T. Galié, S. Kokh, K. Saleh. Study of a Numerical Scheme with Transport-Acoustic Operator Splitting on a Staggered Mesh. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X-Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems, 2023. PDF
2020K. Saleh, N. Seguin. Some mathematical properties of a barotopic multiphase flow model. ESAIM: Proc. and Surveys - Vol 69, 2020PDF
2019C. Berthon, A. Duran, K. Saleh. An easy control of the artificial numerical viscosity to get discrete entropy inequalities when approximating hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. International conference in honor of the 90th birthday of Sergei K. Godunov, Mathematics and its Applications, 2019.PDF
2017R. Herbin, J.-C. Latché, K. Saleh. Low Mach number limit of a pressure correction MAC scheme for barotropic flows. Finite volumes for complex applications VIII, 2017.PDF
2014F. Babik, J.-C. Latché, B. Piar, K. Saleh. A staggered scheme with non-conforming refinement for the Navier-Stokes equations. Finite volumes for complex applications VII, 2014. PDF
J.-M. Hérard, O. Hurisse, A. Morente, K. Saleh. Application of a two-fluid model to simulate the heating of two-phase flows. Finite volumes for complex applications VII, 2014. PDF
2012F. Coquel, J.-M. Hérard, K. Saleh, N. Seguin. A class of two-fluid two-phase flow models. 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, paper 2012-3356.PDF
2011F. Coquel, K. Saleh, N. Seguin. A relaxation approach for simulating fluid flows in a nozzle. Finite volumes for complex applications VI, 2011. PDF

Thèse et HDR

2024K. Saleh. Contributions à l'analyse mathématique et numérique pour les écoulements mono et multiphasiques compressibles et incompressibles, 2024. PDF
2012K. Saleh. Analyse et Simulation Numérique par Relaxation d'Ecoulements Diphasiques Compressibles. Contribution au Traitement des Phases Evanescentes, 2012. PDF

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