5th Young Set Theory Workshop
CIRM, April 30th - May 4th, 2012
Practical Information

The conference took place from Monday, April 30th to Friday, May 4th. Here is the detailed program (an underlined name means that slides or lecture notes are available, click on the name to view them):

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:15-10:05 I. Farah 1 I. Farah 2 A. Louveau 3 I. Farah 3 F. Schlutzenberg
10:15-11:05 S. Todorcevic 1 S. Todorcevic 2 S. Todorcevic 3 S. Todorcevic 4 I. Farah 4
11:05-11:25 Pause Pause Pause Pause Pause
11:25-12:15 S. Cox C. Brech I. Neeman 2 C. Martinez-Ranero D. Milovich
12:30-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00-16:00 Discussions Discussions Discussions
16:00-16:50 A. Louveau 1 I. Neeman 1 A. Louveau 4
17:00-17:50 V. Fischer A. Louveau 2 I. Neeman 3
18:10-19:00 D. Ikegami I. Neeman 4
19:30 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

There were 4 tutorials, each with 4 sessions of 50 minutes, as well as invited research talks (click on the button at the end of each line below to make the abstract unfold).


Ilijas Farah, Some applications of set theory to operator algebras

Alain Louveau, Introduction to Effective Descriptive Set Theory .

Itay Neeman, Forcing iterations with finite side conditions.

Stevo Todorcevic,Walks on ordinals and their characteristics (lecture notes )

Research talks:

Christina Brech , Forcing nonuniversal Banach spaces (slides)

Sean Cox , Some topics related to bounding by canonical functions (slides)

Vera Fischer, Mad families, splitting families and large continuum (slides)

Daisuke Ikegami , Gale-Stewart games and Blackwell games (slides)

Carlos Martinez-Ranero, Contributions towards a fine structure theory of Aronszajn orderings. (slides)

David Milovich, Davies trees and their applications (slides)

Farmer Schlutzenberg, Comparison and Measures in Inner Models (slides)

Last updated May 5, 2012.