Philippe Malbos


Institut Camille Jordan
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Fields of interest

Preprints and work in progress


Fields of interest

Fields of interest (Mathematics Subject Classification 2020)

Preprints submitted or accepted and work in progress

Repository of e-prints and bibliographic databases




Presentations for general audience

Abstracts, talks and unpublished texts

Fields interest (Mathematics Subject Classification 2020)


Announcements Algebraic rewriting seminar. 9th International Workshop on Confluence, IWC 2020, 30th June 2020, Paris, France. Journées LHC - Logique, homotopie, catégories, 2019, 16-17 octobre 2019, Lyon. Workshop Higher-dimensional Rewriting and Applications 2018, HDRA 2018, September 7, Oxford, United Kingdom. Workshop Higher-dimensional Rewriting and Applications 2017, HDRA 2017, September 8-9, Oxford, United Kingdom. 6th International Workshop on Confluence, IWC 2017, September 8th 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom. Conférence Catégories pour la théorie de l'homotopie et la réécriture, du 25 au 29 septembre 2017, CIRM, Marseille. Workshop Higher-dimensional Rewriting and Applications 2016, HDRA 2016, June 25-26, Porto, Portugal. Kobe-Lyon Summer School On Quivers : Computational Aspects and Geometric Applications, July 21-31, 2015, Kobe, Japan. Workshop Higher-dimensional Rewriting and Applications 2015, HDRA 2015, June 28-29, Warsaw, Poland. Conference Homotopy in Concurrency and Rewriting, June 9-11, 2015, Palaiseau. Workshop Algebras, Operads and Rewriting, September 30 – October 3, 2014, Saint-Étienne. Session thématique Mathematical Structures of Computation, 13 janvier - 14 février 2014, Lyon. Conférence Algebra and computation, 20 janvier - 24 janvier 2014, Lyon. École d'hiver Algebra and computation, 27 février - 2 mars 2012, CIRM, Marseille, dans le cadre de la session Logic and interactions 2012, CIRM, Marseille, 30 Janvier - 2 Mars 2012. Conférence Operads and Rewriting, 2-4 Novembre 2011, Lyon. Groupe de travail Invariants algébriques en informatique (2009-2010). Rencontre ANR INVAL, Lyon, 25-26 septembre 2008. Rencontre ANR INVAL, Strasbourg, 9 novembre 2006. Groupe de travail Frontières (2006). Rencontre Simplicial and Cubical Sets and Knowledge Evolution in Distributed Systems, 3-4 mai 2004, Paris.

Projects. Projet ANR Catégories, Homotopie et Réécriture. Projet Formalisation du calcul algebrique. Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology.